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Boeing, TMCF to Invest in Scholarships at North Carolina A&T  Tiffany S. Jones
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) announced Tuesday that a portion of a $6-million investment from Boeing will directly benefit students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. N.C. A&T is one of eight institutions that will receive a yet-to-be-determined amount of funding for scholarships, internships, on-campus engagement and immersive “boot camp” programs to introduce students to The
Boeing Company’s culture and career
paths. "This investment is another example of how we are building a diverse pipeline of future talent," said Michael Ford, Boeing vice president of Global Diversity and Inclusion. “We hope to inspire and enable [historically black college and university] students to pursue careers in the aerospace industry.”  Boeing is interested in developing students from diverse backgrounds who are interested in aerospace careers.  A&T currently offers a B.S. degree with an aerospace option for students who are interested in aerodynamics, aero-propulsion, avionics and aero-structures. This spring, seven mechanical engineering students competed in an international aero design competition and placed No. 1 in the United States and No. 2 in the world.  Video Reports:  Eng. Boeing Research   Aero design competition   TMCF  Ag. Internship