UNC Board of Governors incompetence on display as NC A&T 2015 NCLEX-RN scores fall below standards again   Michael Pippen  02.23.18
Article 1. Chapter 116. Higher Education defines the purpose of the University of North Carolina is to foster the development of a well-planned and coordinate system of higher education, to improve the quality of education, to extend its benefits and to encourage an economical use of the State's resources.  None of which took place Dec. 15, 2015 when the Gang of 32 Board members  in blatant disregard for Chapter 116 and Board of Governors policy 400.1.7, arbitrary and captious reinstated NC A&T suspended BSN Nursing program under the nebulas pretext, NC A&T Spring 2015 graduates achieved an 89.3% NCLEX passing rate for first time test takers, meeting the Board 85% standard.
Nursing programs in North Carolina are under the jurisdiction of the NC Board of Nursing and the public four-year programs are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors. Just as the Board of Governors must approve a new degree program in nursing, the State Board of Nursing must sanction the program and approve an upper limit for the program’s enrollment. The Board of Nursing does a yearly review of programs primarily based on their students’ pass rates on the licensure exam for the RN, and General Administration does a parallel review on behalf of the Board of Governors.  At the time of reinstatement [Dec. 15, 2015] NC Board of Nursing  web  indicate NCA&T NCLEX-RN score for First time test writers FOR YEAR 2015 AS OF 01/01/2015 TO 09/30/2015,  was 76% , two percentage above program elimination and  nine  percentage points below UNC 85% standard.  NC A&T PERFORMANCE RESULTS FOR NCLEX-RN CANDIDATES TESTED IN NC AND OTHER JURISDICTIONS FOR YEAR 2015 AS OF 01/01/2015 TO 12/31/2015 pass rate was 77% for first time test writers, three  percentage points above BSN program elimination and eight points below 85% Board standard the threshold for program reinstatement.   It maybe the coffee, bottle water, or tea which allow the Buffoons not to realize the scope of  their illusion, one which every UNC System institution and community college with a nursing program may know, the arbitrary and captious reinstatement of NCA&T BSN program didn't improve the quality of education in North Carolina nor at NCA&T.   NC Board of Nursing:

 "The 3-year averages have been posted to our website at http://www.ncbon.com/myfiles/downloads/3-year-rn-pass-rate-2013-2015.pdf.   NC A&T will be on their second year of warning status.  If the NCLEX pass rates are still below for 2016, then NC A&T will appear before the Board in January 2017 for discussion and/or action.

 UNC Board of Governors next schedule meetings is March 04, 2016 at Fayetteville State University at which the UNC 2015 Nursing Report should be considered.   02.22.16  Michael J. Pippen, (775)   Link